Tuesday, June 29, 2010

More Photos!

I've been having so much fun altering my photos. Here's a few more...

Friday, June 25, 2010

A Few of my Favorite Photos

I take my camera with me about every where i go because you never know when that perfect photo is right in front of you! This is at a junk shop I stopped at. Didn't buy anything,
surprise-surprise, but I got a lot of GREAT pictures!

Here's just one of them.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Favorite Video

This incredible video was sent to me. Love it so I had to share...


I'm Guilty!

Technology is great, really. The problem is finding the time to take advantage of all it has to offer!

I'm guilty.

I haven't taken the time to do that. Instead I've been creating art and getting this line "developed". Not an easy or quick task but I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  My FIRST tunnel anyways.

So my Etsy page...nope, I haven't gotten that up yet. My website.....nope, I haven't got that up either. :(   Have I Tweeted any....nope, don't know that I will either. I don't quite get that whole thing yet. (Does that give my age away!?)

I HAVE got a lot of new art pieces finished, prints have been made of the the first batch, this second batch is in the editing stage after getting the proofs back, shirts of the first batch of artwork have been made/proofed and ordered, my pieces for the Blue Ribbon Foundation/Iowa State Fair are done, one is framed AND I finally got some of my work up to the new shop that's taking my work -- Urban Mix in Ankeny

Now that I'm at this point, it's time to get out there and start marketing my work. Hit the streets, in other words. My least favorite part -- selling myself.

With the marketing comes Etsy, my website and, yes, blogging. Will I get better at this blogging, I hope so. As I've said thru out this blog....I will sure try!

See you next year! hee hee

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hmmm...has it been this long!?

I didn't really think I had been away from my blog this long, but November of last year!? Ridiculous!

I've started another series that follows my other love....dogs!
I love dogs, all of them!  They make my HEART sing.

So, I will begin posting pictures of my new work along with my other work....

The favorite of all who see my dog line:


In honor of my new
Grandpuppy ~ Finley!

"Properly Trained, Man Can Be
Dog's Best Friend."

"Unconditional Love"

These prints, as well as others, are available as professional prints which I hand-sign. My website, with a shopping cart, should be up soon, as well as my shop on Etsy.
Until then, if you're intersted in a print, email me! Size is 11" x 14" and are $20 + shipping/handling.